Every 3rd Friday of the month a bunch of folks come on down to the hall to play Bingo!
The evening starts with a warm-up game of Play Your Cards Right!
This is a hoot, you win the whole pot!
Then we go eyes-down and play bingo, the winnings are half the takings for the evening; which is not to be sniffed at.
We sometimes have a special night, recently we had an Easter celebration with the chance to win a variety of eggs and chocolate too.
The last game of the evening is a Rollover/Snowball game of bingo; where you play one game, for a full house only, which must be called within a specified number of called numbers e.g. 56 and you win the whole pot.
If House isn't called within that time, you play on for £5 for the House, and the rest of the pot rolls over to the following month.
It gets quite heated and exciting when the money begins to mount up!
At December's game, the pot is a minimum of £100 and is played until the house is won!
Bring a friend, a bit of cash, some nibbles/sweets and have a fun night,
you never know your luck!